
Wine glass lamps would look great on a mantel. They also make a great centerpiece for a wedding or wedding shower. The best part is, you can make one for every table at your wedding in just minutes.

For a larger centerpiece, arrange three or more wine glass lamps on a table with some tulle around the base of the glasses.

Try using colored stemware for a different look.

Materials and Supplies

Craft Supplies:

  • 5" Lamp shade
  • Wine glass
  • Tea light candle or battery operated tea light*

*Battery operated tea lights are a safer alternative to lighting real candles especially at large gatherings.

Craft Instructions

This is perhaps the simplest centerpiece you will ever make.

Simply place a tea light or battery operated tea light inside a wine glass and place a lamp shade on top of the glass.

It is much safer to use the battery operated tea lights. Our sample was made with a battery operated light.

Printable Instructions

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