Tom the Turkey Can

Great children's project!
This versatile Turkey can be made simply as a magnet, as a wreath or as "Tom the Turkey Can". "Tom the Turkey Can" is great for your Thanksgiving table. He can hold the silver wear for your guests, be filled with nuts or whatever your imagination dreams up! Instructions include full size pattern.
- Clean empty coffee can
- 1 sheet Brown craft foam
- 5 ½" square piece of craft foam in 5 fall colors
- 1 pair 10mm googly eyes
- Black paint pen or permanent marker
- Red paint pen or permanent marker
- Brown spray paint
- 5" square piece of felt (color of your choice)
- Approximately 15" piece of raffia
- 2" piece of magnet
- Hot glue, craft glue or heavy duty 2-sided tape (Craft glue works fine but requires a longer drying time)
- With brown spray paint, paint the outside of a clean empty coffee can and set aside to dry.
- Trace and cut one body and 2 hands from brown craft foam
- Trace and cut 2 feathers from each of the 6" squares craft from for a total of 10 feathers.
- Arrange the feathers behind the turkey body and when happy with their placement, glue or tape in place. (If you use craft glue, let it dry before proceeding to the next step.)
- Attach a 2" piece of magnet to the back of the turkey.
- Turn turkey over and glue on eyes and hands referring to picture for placement.
- With black marker or paint pen draw a diamond under the eyes. This is his beak.
- With red marker or paint pen, draw a thick wavy line below the black diamond. This is his wattle.
- Make a bow from raffia and glue it to the bottom of the turkey.
- Once the coffee can is completely dry, trace the bottom of the can onto the piece of felt.
- Cut the felt slightly smaller than the traced circle and place inside the can on the bottom.
- Now the magnetic turkey can be placed on the outside of the can and used on the buffet table for serving silverware, wrapped candies, nuts (in their shells) or whatever you dream up.
* You can use real feathers instead of craft foam feathers but they need to be hot glued on.
*Make a second turkey just as a magnet to display on your refrigerator.
** Variation: Make your turkey a wall or door decoration by omitting the magnet and hot gluing it to a 6" grapevine wreath!
*You can substitute construction paper for the craft foam if desired
You will need Acrobat Reader to view the pattern as it is a PDF. 
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