Apple Scarecrow Plant Stake

If you are looking for a fall craft idea that is unique, make this apple head scarecrow. He is a great decoration not only for Halloween but for the whole fall season. Kids will need only a little help with this project if they are old enough to tie a knot.
Craft Supplies:
- 2 Flat sticks
- Raffia
- String
- Black permanent marker
- Plaid fabric; 2 1/4" x 6"
- Craft knife
- Artificial apple
- Cut one of the flat sticks to 4" long.
- Lay the uncut flat stick vertically on your work surface. Lay the cut one horizontally across the first stick about 1 1/4" down from the top of the other stick. Using a piece of twine, tie the two sticks together where they intersect in an X pattern. Wrap the string 3 or 4 times in each direction. Knot the twine securely and cut off any excess. Note: Make sure there is an equal amount of the horizontal stick on both sides of the vertical stick.
- Lay several strands of raffia across the 4" stick. Secure the raffia to the stick by tying a piece of twine around each end of the raffia. Neatly trim the ends of the raffia.
- Cut a 2 1/4" x 6" piece of fabric. Fold it in half so it measures 2 1/4" x 3". Cut a small x in the center of the fold. Slip the fabric onto the top of the vertical flat stick and slide it down to the arms.
- Gather the fabric below the arms and tie a 6" piece of twine in a knot around the fabric and stick.
- Using a craft knife, cut a slit in the bottom of the apple. Slip the apple onto the top of the vertical craft stick. Draw a face on the apple with a black permanent marker.
- If need be, slide the arm assembly up so that it is touching the bottom of the apple head.
Display your apple scarecrow in a plant
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