Skateboard Ornament

Make this simple skateboard ornament for your favorite skateboard enthusiast. Basically, you paint the wooden pieces and glue them together to make this wooden ornament. Customize it with your favorite colors. You can even personalize it by writing the recipients name on the board.
Craft Supplies:
- 2" Wooden oval
- Four Axle caps for 1/4" dowel*
- Black button thread or string
- Hot glue
- Acrylic paint; black, red and green or colors of your choice
- Paint Brush
*Wooden axle caps are available in little packages in craft stores.
- Paint both sides and the edges of a 2" wooden oval with black acrylic paint.
- Paint the four axle caps red and paint the center area of each cap green (refer to photo). Let all pieces dry completely.
- Lay the oval on your work surface and glue two axle caps toward one end of the oval and the other two axle caps toward the other end of the oval. The axle caps should be even with the edge of the oval and the side with the green centers should be facing out.
- Cut an 8" piece of black button thread. Tie the two ends together in an overhand knot. Glue the center of this piece of string to the backside of the skateboard between the two front wheels. This string is your ornament hanger.
- Optional: personalize the skateboard by writing the recipients name across the board. This may be easier if you use a fine line paint pen.

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