Cork Photo Ornament

Kids Christmas Craft!
Learn how to make an ornament from recycled wine corks and either a photo or a 3-D button sticker. Kids will need an adult to cut the corks but then they can have some fun gluing this ornament together. Older children can use a low temp hot glue gun (with supervision) to assemble this photo ornament but younger children should use tacky glue.
Craft Supplies:
- Wine corks (2 or 3)
- 6" Piece of thin ribbon
- Hot glue gun with glue sticks or tacky glue
- Either a photograph or a 3-D button style sticker*
*The sticker should be 2" in diameter. We got our button sticker at the local craft store.
- Using either a ultility knife or a cigar cutter, cut ten 1/4" think cirlces from the wine corks.
- Lay them out in a circle so that the edges are touching and glue them together.
- Option1: Cut out a picture so that the part you want visable shows through the center of the cork circle. Glue the photo to the back of the ornament making sure the picture is lined up in the center opening. Option2: Glue a button sticker to the front of the ornament as pictured. Even though it is a sticker, I recommend using glue so that it won't fall off over time.
- Cut a 6" piece of ribbon. Fold it in half and knot the ends together. Glue the knot to the back of the ornament.
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