9) Sew all the open edges closed (do not sew the folded edge) leaving a 1 1/2" opening in the center of the long straight side. Clip corners and curves. Turn right side out. Stuff with Polyester Fiberfil and sew the opening closed (either by hand or with a sewing machine) Set aside for the moment.

10) Lay the 15" x 13" piece of fabric right side down on your work surface. Place the brick (which is covered with batting) in the center of the fabric with the batting seam facing up.
11) Bring one of the long straight sides of the fabric up and over the brick. It should reach approximately the center of the brick. Glue in place. Bring the other long straight side up and over the brick in the same manner only fold the long edge under about 1/2" before bring up and over. The second piece of fabric should overlap the first one. Using your hot glue gun, glue the fabric in place.
12) Keeping the brick flat on your work surface, fold the fabric on the ends as you should when wrapping a gift. Hot glue in place.
13) Turn the wrapped brick over so that the long seam is on the bottom. Glue the lace all the way around the brick on the lower portion of the sides of the brick. When gluing, glue the straight edge of the lace so that the scalloped edge rests just above your work surface. Also, your stop and start points with the lace should be on the center of one of the long sides. That long side should become the back of your sofa.
14) Now, attach the back/armrest you made in steps 8 and 9. To attach it, lay the brick on your work surface with the long seam facing down. Run a bead of glue along both short sides and one long side on the top face of the brick and place the arm/backrest into the glue. Before you press it into the glue, hold it slightly above the glue and line it up, simply folding it where it needs to go around the corners.
15) Next, you'll need to make two pillows. Cut out one circle with a 4 3/4" diameter from a contrasting fabric and one from matching fabric.
16) With one of the circles and a needle and thread, do a running stitch around the perimeter of the circle close to the edge (fig 16a). Pull the thread to gather the circle closed but as you do, put some Fiberfil into the center of the circle (fig 16b). Pull the thread until the opening is closed and knot it off but don't cut the thread yet. Take two or three stitches through the center of the pillow. Take each stitch on top of the previous one. Knot off and cut the thread.

Figure 16a |

Figure 16b |

Figure 16c |
17) Repeat step 16 with the second circle.
18) Using your hot glue gun, glue the two pillows and the stuffed animal onto the sofa.
Optional: If your stuffed animal doesn't come with a nice ribbon around it's neck, tie one on in a bow.
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