Cinnamon Ornaments

Although these cinnamon ornaments are not edible, you will wish they were as they look like real gingerbread cookies! Fun holiday activity for the whole family.
This dough is NOT edible.
Ingredients for dough:
- 1 Cup cinnamon
- 1/2 Tablespoon cloves
- 1 Tablespoon nutmeg
- 3/4 Cup Applesauce
- 2 Tablespoons (white glue) Elmer's glue
Before you start, cover your work surface with plastic wrap.
Other Materials:
- Drinking straw
- Ribbon and/or monofilament
- Acrylic paint
- Paintbrush
- Glitter glue in squeeze bottles
- Paint in squeeze bottles (fabric paint works well)
- Rolling pin
- Plastic wrap
- Cookie cutters
- Wire rack (cooling rack)
- Bowl & Spoon
To Make the Dough:
- Combine the cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg in a medium size bowl.
- Add applesauce and glue. Stir together.
- Work mixture with your hands for 2 - 3 minutes until the dough is smooth and all ingredients are mixed thoroughly.
To Make the Ornaments:
- Divide dough in thirds. Roll out each portion to 1/4" thickness.
- Use cookie cutters to cut desired shapes from the dough.
- Use the end of a drinking straw to make a small hole in the top of each ornament.
- Place ornaments on a wire cooling rack to dry at room temperature for several days.
Hint: Each time you roll out a piece of doe, knead it in your hands 4 or 5 times first. This helps keep it moist and prevents cracks.
Decorating Ideas:
- Once the ornaments have dried completely, you can start decorating them.
- Outline the shapes using glitter glue or paint in squeeze bottles
- Paint the ornaments with acrylic paints.
- Once painted, add a coat of glitter glue if desired.
- For ornaments such as Teddy Bears, tie a ribbon around it's neck or make a bow from ribbon and glue it on.
- Personalize using an ultrafine permanent marker.

Attach a piece of ribbon or monofilament for hanging by cutting a 10" piece. Fold it in half and tie the loose ends together in an overhand knot. Pass the loop end of the ribbon/monofilament through the hole at the top of your ornament. Pass the knotted end through the looped end and pull taught.
Monofilament is a thin clear fishing line often used in crafting for such things as hanging ornaments.
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