Rice Wreath Ornament

If you are looking for an inexpensive craft, you have found it! Our wreath ornament made from rice is a great project for all ages.
- White Rice
- Green food coloring
- White craft glue such as Elmer's glue
- Disposable spoon
- Disposable cup
- Craft stick (aka popsicle stick)
- 1/3" wide ribbon; red
- 15 - 18 small red beads per ornament, our sample was made with beads that are about 1/8"
The instructions below are enough to make two wreath ornaments.
- Cover your work surface with wax paper. If you tape the wax paper to a piece of cardboard or foam core board you will be able to move your ornaments while they are drying
- Measure 1/4 cup uncooked rice into a disposable cup.
- Using a plastic (disposable) spoon, add two spoons of white glue to the rice. Use the craft stick to scrape all the glue off the spoon after each measure.
- Add a few drops of food coloring and mix using the craft stick.
- Place half of the mixture onto the wax paper.
- Using a craft stick, push the rice mixture around so that it is in the shape of a flat circle. Then use the craft stick to make a hole in the center of the circle.
- Squeeze glue onto five or six spots on the wreath and drop 3 beads onto each spot of glue.
- Make a bow out of the ribbon. Trim the ends at an angle and glue onto the wreath as pictured.
- Let dry completely. This can take a few hours or overnight.
- Once dry, carefully peal the wreath off of the wax paper.
- Cut a 15" piece of monofilament. Line up the two ends and tie them in an overhand knot. Pass the loop through the center of the wreath and pass the knotted ends through the loop and gently pull taught. This is the ornament hanger. If you prefer you could use ribbon and hot glue the knot to the back of the wreath.
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